snowboard injuries are a super serious thing.
you can get broken bones, concusions, or even death.
what can get hurt ? head, shoulders, face, knee, ankle, wrist, hand, ribs and forearm.
now, head injuries are less common than other types of injuries; only taking up about seven percent of snowboard injuries; but they can be very serious, much more then others.
what can get hurt ? head, shoulders, face, knee, ankle, wrist, hand, ribs and forearm.
now, head injuries are less common than other types of injuries; only taking up about seven percent of snowboard injuries; but they can be very serious, much more then others.
just take a look at this video ..
snowboard injuries arent always clear to identify. when my older sister was my age, she was snowboarding ( she's an awsome boarder by the way ), but as she was going down the hill she took a hard bail and screwed up both her wrists. she ended up leaving the hill holding her right arm because of how much it hurt, so it was clear that she had broken her right arm, right? wrong. when she got to the hospital, they told her that she had only sprained her right arm, but her left wrist was broken. she had a cast on one arm for a month and a half, and a tensor bandage on her other wrist for a while.
when i was the same age as she was when she broke her wrist, i also broke mine. it had been freezing rain the night before but i still decided to go. i hit the box and bailed hard at the end, i bent my hand backwards and even though i thought that it was my actually hand that was broken because it was all blue and a big bump. turned out my wrist was the one that was broken. about a year and a half before that, also, i broke my ribs doing the same thing. it was my first or second time hitting the park, and i was on the 'flat-down-flat', paniced, and fell while i was on top of it. i hit my head on the ground and my rib cage on the edge. ouchh!!!
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